How Call in Studio Works / FAQ
Couldn't I just use Google Voice/a cell phone to take calls?
Yes, you could. Our system is designed for a call-in workflow format, so it allows you to queue up multiple callers, optionally screen calls before making them live, and a host of other features (such as blocking spam or unwecome callers, tracking busy signals, caller and carrier name lookups, having a private guest line that bypasses the regular call-in queue, or taking voicemail when your show is offline, customizing all phone prompts, etc...), that gives your show or meeting the professional experience and seamless workflow, eliminating the clunkiness other setups.
Also, because our system works by connecting a single audio connect to your audio equipment, it can integrate with almost any setup. We do not broadcast your show or meeting, which means you can broadcast in myriad ways (YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Spreaker, over traditional radio, to an audio file to include in an MP3 podcast, etc.).
We aer not an all-in-one solution, which allows us to focus on handling your calls reliably and smoothly.
Where's the Tutorial For Setting Up the Audio?
Why Do I Need a Custom Call-In Number?
Question & Help Index
Connecting Show Audio
- How Does It Work?
- Connecting the Host Line
- Using Zoom and Similar Services with Call in Studio
- WebRTC: Host & Screener Connection
- Where's the Tutorial For Setting Up the Audio?
- Couldn't I just use Google Voice/a cell phone to take calls?
- Why Do I Need a Custom Call-In Number?
Managing Your Show
- What Does the Host's Call Management Screen Look Like and How Does It Work?
- Does Call in Studio Support Call Screening? What is Auto-Screening?
- What is the Difference Between a Call-In Line and a Guest Line?
- Can I Put More Than One Caller or Guest On-Air at the Same Time?
- How Do I Host Multiple Shows? Do I Need Multiple Phone Numbers?
- How Do I Manually Sort Calls in the Queue?
- Can I Block or Limit Certain Callers?
- Can I Record My Show or Meeting?
Advanced Features
- Can I Customize the Phone Prompts Callers Hear on My Show or Meeting?
- Can I Allow Other Users Access to My Show/Meeting (to Host or Screen Calls)?
- How Do I Authorize Guests, Hosts, or Screeners by Caller ID?
- Multiple Call-in Numbers for One Show or Meeting
- What Is a Call-In (Listen Only) Line?
- WebRTC: Connecting Callers Through our Web Interface
- WebRTC: Call Rates
- Host Callback Mode: Auto-Connecting the Host Only When Callers Are Present
- Raise/Lower Hand for Callers and Guests on Hold
- What is Mix-Minus, and Does My Mixer Board Support It (Or: Is there a Mix-Minus Software Solution)?
- Can I Port or Transfer a Number Into or Out of Call in Studio?
Miscellaneous Questions