Call in Studio

How Call in Studio Works / FAQ

How Does It Work?

Call in StudioWhether you want to take calls for your podcast, live show, or or public meeting, or just record to audio a file to later share with listeners, Call in Studio allows you take calls in a call-in talk show format just like a traditional radio station would — without having to invest in expensive equipment (such as Telos equipment and software) and lease banks of phone lines. Call in Studio puts all this in the cloud and allow you to manage calls through our Web interface.

Our service connects to your setup in two ways: first, you manage your calls through our Web interface by logging into your account, navigating to My Shows and then clicking on the 'Host Show' or 'Host Meeting' button for your show/meeting.

Second, for audio routing, you must connect your show/meeting to our Host Line. You can connect the host line with:

  1. A Web browser via WebRTC
  2. Dialing out to a Zoom meeting or similar service
  3. A traditional phone call (e.g., a landline or cell phone)
  4. Calling in using Google Voice, Skype, or similar service

Connecting the Host Line

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